Publishing Fees

The MJEUB extends its warmest regards to the esteemed authors, reviewers, and readers who form the backbone of our academic community. As an open-access journal, we are committed to promoting the accessibility and dissemination of knowledge without financial barriers.

This article outlines the journal's policy on publishing fees and reaffirms our dedication to fostering inclusivity and scholarly exchange.

Open Access: At the heart of our mission is the belief that research should be accessible to all, irrespective of financial constraints. Embracing the principles of open access, the MJEUB does not impose any charges on authors for submitting their work, and no publication fees are required to disseminate research findings to a global audience.

Promoting Inclusivity: Recognizing the importance of inclusivity in scholarly communication, we stand firm against any financial hindrances that could deter authors from sharing their research. By eliminating publication fees, we ensure that the research published in our journal is accessible to researchers, practitioners, students, and enthusiasts worldwide.

Sustainability and Ethical Standards: The journal operates on a sustainable model that does not compromise ethical and academic standards. The absence of publication fees does not imply a compromise in the quality of the editorial process or the rigor of peer review. We uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and credibility in our selection and review of manuscripts.

Author Support and Collaboration: Our commitment to authors extends beyond the absence of fees. Authors receive comprehensive support throughout the submission and review process, with timely communication, constructive feedback, and clear guidelines for manuscript preparation. We encourage collaboration among researchers and strive to facilitate the exchange of ideas within the scholarly community.

Transparency and Sustainability: While the journal is free to publish and open access for authors and readers, transparency remains a cornerstone of our operations. Our sustainable financial model ensures the journal's long-term viability, supported by university resources and ethical sponsorship collaborations, where appropriate.

Licensing and Copyright: To further promote the dissemination of knowledge, the MJEUB employs open licensing options that allow authors to retain copyright while granting broad permissions for reuse and redistribution of their work. This aligns with the principles of open access and supports the broader scholarly ecosystem.

In conclusion, MJEUB remains steadfast in its commitment to providing an open and inclusive platform for scholarly discourse. Our free-to-publish and open-access model reflects our dedication to democratizing access to knowledge and advancing the boundaries of research. We invite authors from diverse disciplines to join us in this endeavor and contribute to the vibrant exchange of ideas.

Thank you for being part of our journey toward a more accessible and collaborative academic landscape.