Editor Guidelines

The Multidisciplinary Journal of European University of Bangladesh (MJEUB) Editorial Team is extended a cordial welcome, as their instrumental role in upholding the journal's quality and integrity is highly regarded. These guidelines provide a comprehensive framework to streamline the editorial process, ensuring the publication of impactful and meticulously crafted research papers that remain aligned with the journal's high standards.

Editorial Process: At the outset, submissions undergo an initial review to gauge their suitability and alignment with the journal's scope. Editors meticulously assess submissions for adherence to formatting and submission guidelines, emphasizing the significance of proper presentation.

Peer Review: Peer review forms the cornerstone of the journal's editorial process. Editors diligently match submissions with proficient peer reviewers, chosen for their expertise and availability. The double-blind peer review system, where both the authors' and reviewers' identities are concealed, guarantees an impartial assessment. Reviewers evaluate originality, relevance, methodology, analysis, and overall quality, playing a pivotal role in the selection process. Timely coordination with reviewers is pivotal, and conflicts of interest are addressed transparently.

Reviewer Feedback: Feedback from reviewers, known for its specificity and constructive nature, is collated by editors. The decision-making process, which integrates reviewers' insights and editor evaluations, determines whether submissions are accepted, require revisions, or face rejection. Transparent communication of these decisions, bolstered by comprehensive justifications, remains central.

Author Communication: Effective communication with authors constitutes a sensitive editorial aspect. Editors ensure swift and courteous communication of decisions, and for revisions, offer substantial feedback to guide authors toward enhancement. In certain instances, facilitating discourse between authors and reviewers becomes imperative for query resolution.

Revisions and Final Review: Thorough assessment of revisions is essential to ensure alignment with the journal's standards and reviewer feedback. The final review phase verifies that accepted papers meet quality and formatting benchmarks. Editors meticulously cross-reference citations and references for accuracy and adherence to formatting guidelines.

Ethical Considerations: Ethical integrity is of paramount importance. Editors actively scrutinize submissions for indications of plagiarism or duplication, employing plagiarism detection tools as necessary. Transparent management of conflicts of interest and safeguarding data, images, and content integrity are foundational to the editorial process.

Timely Communication: Timely responses and lucid communication underscore effective editorial management. Editors are committed to furnishing stakeholders—authors, reviewers, and co-editors—with swift updates and responses, fostering productive collaborations.

Continuous Enhancement: The guidelines underscore the value of perpetual improvement. Ongoing feedback from stakeholders informs the evolutionary trajectory of the editorial process. Editors remain attuned to best practices via training and developmental initiatives, fortifying their contribution to the scholarly community.

In conclusion, the Editorial Team's role in advancing knowledge and scholarship within the university and beyond is invaluable. Their dedication to upholding the journal's standards and cultivating a culture of academic excellence is genuinely commendable.